Basic Perspective: Transferring Scale Exercise
To complete this assignment, use the information from the transferring scale webpage to transfer lines in perspective.
Subject matter: Line-
Exercise 1: On a piece of paper, draw an eye level. Draw a 5 inch vertical line anywhere on the page. Using a vanishing point, transfer it forward and/or backward to three different depths as shown on the Transfer of Scale webpage.
Exercise 2: On the same sheet of paper, using the same eye level, draw a 5 inch horizontal line anywhere. Using a vanishing point, transfer it forward and/or backward to three different depths.
Size: 9"x12"
Media: graphite
Post completed drawings by Wednesday at 11:59 PM: Scan in and submit your drawings to the discussion board.
Provide feedback by Thursday at 11:59 PM: Provide feedback to members of the class. I will be providing feedback, but I’d like you to offer feedback also. In your feedback answer the following questions:
Are all the vertical lines perfectly vertical? To check if they are, see if they are parallel to the left and right sides of the sketchbook (format).
Are all the horizontal lines perfectly horizontal? To check if they are, see if they are parallel to the top and bottom of the sketchbook (format).
In I-Learn, go to Week 1 — Basic Geometric Shapes I and click on Week 1 Exercises. Create a post and submit your completed documents there.
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