Week 4: Construction I

2 Point Perspective Cylinders

As you’re doing complex construction drawings this week, note that the center line for all 2 point perspective ellipses will go to either VP1 or VP2, and that the major axes for those ellipses is always 90 degrees to that center line.

Drawing a 2 Point Perspective Cylinder

Your construction drawing should accurately reflect the different pitches of the ellipses. Notice that the right ellipse has slightly more pitch (it is narrower) because it is closer to the line of sight than the left ellipse. Note: You have learned previously that each ellipse has its own major axis. This drawing, therefore, is inaccurate because it only has one major axis.



Ellipses on a Camera

Put your mouse pointer over the image to see the centerlines/minor axes of the camera. Notice how they point to VP1.