Week 4: Construction I

Assignment 1 and 2: Roll of Tape and Cylinder


Subject matter: Picture of a roll of tape, picture of a cylinder

  • Assignment 1:  Draw a 1 point perspective roll of tape. You may use either the image on the screen or this printout as a reference. Note: Don’t scan your separate steps; just turn in your completed drawing. The finished drawing of the roll of tape should be 7" wide. Remember that Construction Drawings are not shaded, and include interior lines allowing the viewer to see into/through the item.


  • Assignment 2: Draw a foreshortened cylinder.  You may draw from what you see on the screen or use this printout as a reference. Note: Don’t show your separate steps; just turn in your completed drawing. The finished drawing of the cylinder should be 7" wide. Remember that Construction Drawings are not shaded, and include interior lines allowing the viewer to see into/through the item.

Size: 9"x12"

Media: graphite


Post your completed drawings by Thursday 11:59 PM: Scan in and submit your drawing to the discussion board.

Provide feedback by Friday by 11:59 PM: Provide feedback to members of the class. I will be providing feedback, but I’d like you to offer feedback also. In your feedback answer the following questions:

  • Is the drawing in proportion? Are the ellipses correct?
  • How well does the drawing match the picture?
  • Make suggestions for improvement.


In I-Learn, go to Week 4 — Construction Drawings I and click on Week 4 Exercises. Create a post and submit your completed drawing there.

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