Week 4: Construction I

Construction Drawings

Here are some good examples of complex construction drawings. (Click on the images to see larger versions). Notice how all lines of the various objects in the drawings are visible.

Here are some construction drawings that need some work.

The ellipses have football shapes and have unequal quadrants.

This is another nice drawing. the problem lies in a craftsmanship error on the curved line on the very top edge of the stapler. Note: The student has drawn the stapler in one point perspective but rotated ti to make it appear as if it was in two point. This results in an "uncomfortable" feeling for the viewer due to perspective confusion

The quadrants of the ellipses are not symmetrical. The proportion is distorted because, some of the lines diverge instead of converge, while other lines converge too quickly (the drawing is out of the cone of vision). Also, in a two point drawing the vertical lines should be parallel (diagonal vericals are only used in a 3 point perspective).

This is another great drawing, but because the ellipses on the smoke stack is very close to the eye level, the ellipses should be flatter (have more pitch).