Week 6: Light & Shadow

Assignments 6 & 7: Shading a Shape

Now that you have had practice shading objects in Assignments 2-5, complete a more finished and refined, shaded drawing. You will also make a copy of your finished drawing and label the areas of light and shadow on the copy.


Subject matter: Select one of the photos below to draw from. Do not draw the object using the same media that you used in assignments 2-5. For example, since you used ink to draw the cone in assignment 2, if you choose the cone for this assignment you should draw it this time in charcoal or graphite.

Click on an image to see its larger version

  • Assignment 6: Draw your object and shade it, being sure to include all the areas of light and shadow. One of the areas that students are often weak on while shading is the reflected light - make certain to address this area of light. This drawing should be more refined and exact than your practice studies in Assignments 2-5. Scan your completed drawing. (15 points)

  • Assignment 7: Create a copy of your scanned drawing and label the 8 areas of light and shadow. Submit this labeled drawing as well. (15 points)

Size: 9"x12". Remember, 100dpi and JPG.

Media: Charcoal, Graphite, or Ink


Post completed drawings by Monday 11:59 PM: Scan in and submit your completed drawing to the discussion board. I will provide feedback and a grade for each of your drawings. I will be looking to see if you included the different areas of light and shadow and at the overall quality of the drawing.

Provide feedback to others by Tuesday 11:59 PM.


In I-Learn, go to Week 6 — Value Light and Shadow and click on Week 3 Shading Assignment. Create a post and submit your completed drawings there.

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