Assignment: Compositions
Subject matter: Organic (natural plants, etc.) and non-organic (man-made) objects.
Assignment 1: Review the Organic and Non-organic student examples and Composition Examples.
Choose the 3 most effective compositions and the 3 least effective compositions. Post your choices and tell why you chose them, based on the design principles listed below:
Repetition with variation of similar shapes
Focal Point
Use of positive and negative space
Overlapping shapes
Golden Section
Assignment 2 Step 1: Set up a composition using organic subject matter and following design principles (dominant, subordinate, repetition, focal point, etc). Draw, from life, 8-10 thumbnail compositions (2"x3"). Change your station point, eye-level, and/or zoom in and out to create different compositions.
Assignment 3 Step 1: Set up a composition using non-organic subject matter and following design principles (dominant, subordinate, repetition, focal point, etc). Draw from life 8–10 thumbnail compositions (2"x3"). Change your station point, eye-level, and/or zoom in and out to create different compositions.
Size: 9"x12"
Media: Micron Pen (you can use pencil for the thumbnails if you want)
Post your analysis of most effective/least effective compositions (Assignment 1) and your thumbnail drawings (Assignments 2&3, steps 1) by Thursday 11:59 PM: Scan in and submit your drawings to the discussion board.
Provide feedback by Friday by 11:59 PM: Provide feedback to members of the class. I will be providing feedback, but I’d like you to offer feedback also. In your feedback answer the following questions:
Are the sizes and placements pleasing?
Do the drawings adequately represent the design elements such as dominant/subordinant, golden rectangle, variation, harmony, unity, positive and negative space, shape, and overlapping?
- How is the line quality?
Do you agree with their effective and less effective assessments of the compositions?
In I-Learn, go to Week 10 — Composition II and click on Week 10 Exercises. Create a post, scan your drawings, and submit your partially completed drawings there.
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