INtroduction Week


Welcome to ART 110 Online

This first week, you’ll be getting to know each other and how to get around in this class. You’ll also create a drawing and submit it to an online discussion board.

Browser Preferences

The animations and mouse-overs that are employed in these webpages work best with the Firefox browser. If you’re using another browser, like Safari, you may experience some technical difficulties. Remember, then: Firefox.

Weekly Rhythm

Lesson Content

You will have weekly lesson content that will help prepare you for your exercises. At the end of each exercise you will give feedback to each other. The weekly lesson content will also have information on your assignments as well as information about the weekly quizzes. At the end of the week, your instructor will grade your assignments and submit feedback to you on I-learn.

Note: The weekly lesson content will always open in a separate window. You can toggle back and forth between the I-learn course and the weekly lesson content.

Anytime you see a blue box like the one listed below (Discussion), you will either view a video or go to I-learn to complete an assignment. To watch the videos, simply click on the link provided in the blue discussion box area. When the video begins, you may make it larger by clicking on the zoom button.


There will be weekly discussions on exercises and assignments. To access the discussions, go the appropriate week in the I-learn course and click on either the link for the exercises or the link for the assignments.


In I-Learn, go to ... and do ...

The red box (Help Desk) gives you information on getting help regarding any technical issue, like scanning or getting around in I-learn.

Help Desk

If you are having difficulty scanning, contact the computer helpdesk.
On Campus: x9000
Off Campus: 208-496-9000 or 1-866-237-5195 (toll free)


Each week you will scan and submit your exercises and assignments to I-learn. To do this:

1. Locate a scanner that can scan a 9"x12" drawing
2. Set the scanner on 1) color document 2) 1200x800 pixels 3) Resolution of 96 dpi (dots per inch). DO NOT scan it in with a resolution higher than 96.
3. Save your scan as a JPEG(.jpg) — high quality.
4. In the appropriate discussion area, post the .jpg image. You can either use the Attach File button or the Attach Image button.

Watch the short video below for instructions on posting an image.

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Once you’re done reading this page, click on the Syllabus Quiz hyperlink on the top right section of this page.