By the end of Module 4, you will have produced 4 deliverables similar to the examples you see below.
These drawings will demonstrate that you correctly understand rules of Linear Perspective. (Assignments are due Monday at midnight, beginning of Week 05).
Assignments #1 & #2: Interior Scenes:
Read the following information, then watch the videos below to prepare for both Assignments.
Using the information that you have read from the readings and the video, create 2 drawings on 8 1/2" x 11" paper of a 1-pt. interior scene and a 2-pt. interior scene of your choosing. You may use magazine or web images for reference, or draw from life. Submit according to the instructions in "Course Pattern".
Assignments #3 & #4: Exterior Scenes
Read the following information, then watch the videos below to prepare for both Assignments.
Some of the above article will repeat what you've already learned. Review it if you choose, or jump to what you need to learn.
Using the information that you have read from the readings and the videos, create 2 drawings on 8 1/2" x 11" paper of a 1-pt. exterior scene and a 2-pt. exterior scene of your choosing. You may use magazine or web images for reference, or draw from life. Submit according to the instructions in "Course Pattern".