Every Exercise will be graded according to the same rubric. As difficulty of drawings are increased, the rubric difficulty will automatically increase as well. Each Drawing Assignment is worth 100 points, broken out as follows:


Horizon Line & Vanishing Points (20pts.) Horizon line is parallel with the page and vanishing points are correct. (20 pts.) Horizon line is not parallel with the page and vanishing points are slightly incorrect. (15 pts.) Horizon line is not parallel with the page and vanishing points are definitely incorrect. (5 pts.)
Foreshortened Lines (20pts.) All foreshortened lines go to the correct vanishing points. (20 pts.) 1-3 foreshortened lines go to incorrect vanishing points. (15 pts.) 4 or more foreshortened lines go to incorrect vanishing points. (5 pts.)
Ellipses (20pts.) All ellipses are correctly shaped? (no footballs or hot-dogs) (20 pts.) 1-3 ellipses are incorrectly shaped. (slight footballs or hot-dogs) (15 pts.) 4 or more ellipses are incorrectly shaped? (definite footballs or hot-dogs) (5 pts.)
Major and Minor Axis (10pts.) Major and Minor axis of all ellipses are correct (10 pts.) 1-3 Major and Minor axis of ellipses are incorrect. (7 pts.) 4 or more Major and Minor axis of ellipses are incorrect (3 pts.)
Vertical lines (10pts.) Vertical lines are exactly vertical. (10 pts.) 1-3 Vertical lines are not exactly vertical. (7 pts.) 4 or more Vertical lines are not exactly vertical. (7 pts.)
Peer Interaction (20pts.) Peer interaction is substantive and demonstrates learning/teaching.(20 pts.) Peer interaction is less substantive and demonstrates little learning/teaching.(15 pts.) Peer interaction doesn't exist or is relegated to comments such as "good job!", etc. (5 pts.)


Note: Final Assignment is worth double points.

(You will receive a breakdown of the rubric/points above with each of your grades.)