You have now tagged your content with Paragraph and Character Styles. In this step, we will create a hierarchical relationship between each typographic element.
To learn how to create typographic hierarchy that assists the reader in acquiring the information—in other words, making the content easy to read. Tagging allows you to target the tagged element with a style; adding the hierarchy makes the content easier to read.
The Web page will be designed as one continuous column. All spacing should be applied with Paragraph and Character Styles.
The dialog box above has the specific requirements to create the new document. | Intent: Web. Number of pages: 1. Start Page #: 1. Width: 800 px. Height: 3000 px. Margins: 10 px on all sides.
Change your body copy size to 16 pt. Use the Paragraph and Character Styles to adjust your other styles to be in proportion to the body copy. Be sure to include the following:
“If you ever find yourself using spacebar-spacebar-spacebar or return-return-return to apply formatting, you are doing it wrong.” —Scott E. Franson
Upon completing the page, find the folder art230_p4 and place your file in it.
Inside the art230_p4 folder is a file named art230p04.idml. Open the file and save.The file you made named Art230-p4_template-01 should show up on pages 4–5 of the document.
If it doesn’t show up:
Below are tutorial videos which explain how to complete the assignment:
Project 4 Step 2 Part 1: Page for Web Design from BYU-Idaho Art Dept on Vimeo.
Project 4 Step 2 Part 2: Choosing a Column Width from BYU-Idaho Art Dept on Vimeo.
Project 4 Step 2 Part 3: Linking Web Page Template to Workbook from BYU-Idaho Art Dept on Vimeo.
Project 4 Step 2 Part 4: Hierarchy with Paragraph and Character Styles from BYU-Idaho Art Dept on Vimeo.
After you have completed all of the steps listed above for this lesson, you are ready to complete your process blog post. Blogposts should be structured like a presentation with a beginning, middle and end. Each step will involve it's own process and its own unique challenges and successes. Introduce the assignment, talk about what worked for you and what didn't, explain which of your solutions are working using design principles to back it up. If you have specific questions about how to move forward, you can ask them in the blogpost.
Please include the following in your blog post:
Once the Process Blog Post is complete, submit a link to the post in I-Learn. To submit the link in I-Learn, click P4S1 link in the left navigation and then click on the Open button at the bottom of the I-Learn window.
After you have submitted your assignment in I-Learn, you will need to provide feedback to your team members in WordPress. Your feedback to team members will be on the following areas:
You should list the item, your rating, and any comments you had to help your team member improve. Your feedback on process blog posts will not be used as part of their grade but will help you to teach one another to improve their work.
Complete 2 more spreads in your type journal.
(You should have 8 pages in total after completing this exercise.)
Using a camera, capture examples of typography in the world around you.
Typography is about learning to see. Capturing glimpses of typography provides an opportunity for slowing down and seeing the typographic messages all around us.
Use a camera to capture your typographic imagery. Do not use the Internet. Crop the images to fit into the squares in the Type Journal Exercise workbook. This project needs to be completed with 8 pages and a blog post this week.
Submit the URL for the Exercise Blog Post in I-Learn by clicking on the "Open" button below and pasting your blog page URL in the space provided. Then, click submit.