Art 235 | Graphic Design

Lesson 14

Project 03 | Soda Packaging

Step 06 | Final Submission

What are we doing?

Produce the final draft of the Soda Packaging booklet, with documentation. We will also compile the final workbook, Behance post, AV presentation, and a 200-word summary of how the project went. For your final submission, you should include the following in a blog post:

Title your post “Final Project Submission.” To submit your project, open the assignment submission page by clicking Open, attach the PDF of your workbook, and paste the URL from your blog post into the comments box.

Soda Packaging Objectives

Why are we doing it?

How are we doing it?

Revise and Polish

This is the final opportunity ot make any changes before grading. Revise the Soda Packaging, Behance, Workbook, and Jing presentation for final grading.


The workbook should be organized and designed. The sketches below are to be used as a minimum guideline. If you need additional pages, please feel free to add them.

Include the following pages:

Two pages in landscape format. The first page is blank. The second page shows the title of the project, followed by a block of text. The name is written small under that text block. This page contains a heading in the upper-left corner and a page number in the upper-right corner.

Title Page, including: Project Title, an introduction of the project in your own words, and your name. Always use the right-hand page for the title page.

Two pages in landscape format. The first page has a small paragraph in the upper left corner. On the rest of the page, there is an image of the entire bottle, a couple images of details on the bottle, and an image of the logo. Each image has a caption to the side. The second page shows the final result. There is a carton with four bottles surrounded by three bottles arranged standing individually.

Portfolio Spread: This shows the completed project in its best light. Show the soda packaging (bottles and carton) with a title and a short description of the project. It should stand alone if you aren’t there to explain it.

Two pages in landscape format. Both have headings and page numbers. The first page contains a block of text on the left third of the page, and an image of a bottle on the right two-thirds of the page. The second page contains an image of a label. There are small description captions surrounding the label with lines connecting the captions to the parts of the label they describe.

Blog Post 1: How did the survey impact your concept development? | Soda survey

Two pages in landscape format. Both have headings and page numbers. The first page shows an image of the carton that is cut and flattened to show all its components. There are small description captions surrounding the images with lines connecting the captions to the parts of the carton they describe. The second page is filled with about eleven different images of objects, each with a caption below.

20 concepts preliminary list/sketches

Two pages in landscape format. Both have headings. The first page includes a title and a short paragraph in the upper left corner of the page. Underneath that paragraph are two images of the disassembled sides of a carton. To the right of thise two images, in the center of the page, there is an image of a bottle. On the right side of the page, there is a small image of two bottles side by side. Underneath that small image, there is an image of an entire carton. About sixty percent of these images have captions. The second page contains a title followed by two paragraphs on the left side of the page. On the right side of the page, there is a magnified image of a label. Below that image is a close-up image of the heads of two bottles side by side. All images are accompanied by captions.

Concept 1 sketches | Concept 2 sketches

Two pages in landscape format. The first page includes a heading and a page number. There is an image of a carton, above which there are images of pieces of the carton and labels. To the right, there is an image of a bottle. About thirty percent of the images on this page are accompanied by captions. The second page is blank.

Concept 3 sketches

Two pages in landscape format. Both pages have headings and page numbers. The first page contains a title followed by a block of text on the left third of the page. The right two-thirds of the page shows three images of rectangular labels. The second page contains three images of labels, all of which are rectangular, except one which is circular.

Blog Post 2: What did you discover about designing in 3D? | Design 10 labels

Two pages in a landscape format. Both pages have headings and page numbers. Each page shows 5 images. Each image is a bottle with a different label. There is a small caption under each image.

Photograph each label on a bottle

Two pages in landscape format. Both pages have headings and page numbers. The first page contains a title followed by a text block on the left side of the page. The right two-thirds of the page is blank. The second page contains four images.

Blog Post 3: What was the most challenging aspect of expanding the system into four flavors? | Labels in 4 flavors (flat)

Two pages in landscape format. Each page contains images of two bottles, with two small captions on the outside of both images. The captions are on the far left on the first page, and the far right on the second page.

Photograph of each label on a bottle

Two pages in landscape format. Both pages have headings and page numbers. The first page contains a title and a text block on the left third of the page. In the other two-thirds there are two images of the carton with a caption. The second page contains three images of the carton, viewed from different angles. Below those three image, there is an image of the carton after it is cut and flattened to show all four sides. There is also a small paragraph to caption the images.

Blog Post 4: What challenges did you face trying to design a carton that would work for all four flavors? | Carton sketches

Two pages in landscape format. Both pages contain a heading in the upper left corner and a page number in the upper right corner. Both pages contain two images of carton designs, each with a caption underneath.

Refined labels (flat or on bottles)

Two pages in landscape format. Both pages contain a heading in the upper left corner and a page number in the upper right corner. The first page has four images of one side of the carton. There is one small caption on the right side of the page. The second page contains an image of the carton flattened to show all the sides. There are three captions underneath this image.

Blog Post 5: What do you still need to do to finish this package? | Refinements

Two pages in landscape format. The left half of the first page contains a text block. The second half of the first page, along with the second page makes a continuous image of the finished product with four bottles in a carton surrounded by three free-standing bottles.

Two pages in landscape format. Between the two pages, there are 8 images, showing different details of the bottles, labels and carton. There are no captions.

Photographs of final packaging

Two pages in landscape format. The first page contains a heading and a page number. In the middle third of the page there is a title followed by a block of text. The second page is blank.

Conclusion Blog Post for Project 3

Behance Post

A portfolio blog post is different than a process blog post. The purpose of a portfolio blog post is to present your final project in a manner that you would show it to a client/employer.

The post should be designed and encourage a reader to engage. Include paragraph breaks, subheads, or other typographic elements to make the post visually accessible.

AV Presentation

Learning to present and sell your design work is a skill that is developed by making presentations. At the end of each project, you will be expected to make an audiovisual presentation to explain your work. The presentations should show the steps you took to get to the final piece, be voice narrated, and may not exceed two (2) minutes in duration. You are free to use any means to create the presentation.

Remember to include the following in your presentation:

If you need more specific information on creating an AV presentation (using Jing), see the instructions under Lesson 3 in Week 2.

When you are finished with the presentation, make a new blog post in WordPress and copy and paste the link from Screencast (or other video streaming site). In the same post, answer the following questions:

Peer Review

After you submit the final post for each project, review and critique each of your team members’ Final Soda Packaging in WordPress. Comment and provide feedback using the following rubric:




1–10 pts.

Uniqueness of concept

Rate the uniqueness of the overall look and feel. Is it ordinary and expected or original and unexpected?

  • 1–3 pts: unimaginative – expected
  • 4–6 pts: ordinary
  • 7–10 pts: unexpected – surprising

1–10 pts.

Visual quality

Rate how well the letterforms are photographed, retouched and masked.

  • 1–3 pts: poor
  • 4–6 pts: ok
  • 7–10 pts: amazing

1–10 pts.

Package design

Rate how the soda package design adds to the overall effect.

  • 1–3 pts: not at all
  • 4–6 pts: doesn’t help or hurt
  • 7–10 pts: significantly adds to the overall communication

1–10 pts.


Would you put this in your portfolio? Base this on the quality of the work, not whether it would be appropriate for your personal portfolio.

  • 1–3 pts: no
  • 4–6 pts: maybe with changes
  • 7–10 pts: yes with no changes

Pet Project

Pet Project Photo Shoot 06

Take at least 10 photographs of your pet. Beyond documenting your pet, look for opportunities to make interesting images.

Post your images to a photos sharing site like picasa or flicker. Choose your favorite image and post it to the class blog with a link to your other photos. Explain what you did for this photo shoot and how you accomplished any special effects.

Some things to consider:

Once you have posted to WordPress, submit a link to the post in I-Learn. To submit the link in I-Learn, click Pet Project | Photo Shoot 06 and then click on the Open button at the bottom of the I-Learn window.

Pet Project Topic

Look at your pet as a symbol. What could it be a symbol for? Find an article about the topic that matches your symbol. Read the article and make a copy of it to use later in the semester. For the Pet Project final you will be creating a booklet using your photographs and this article. Be sure to find one that you like.



Schedule for Week 07